The Dedicated Channel service provides a dedicated physical connection using optical fiber for communication between fixed points within the country in a point-to-point connection method. Customers will not have their bandwidth shared at any time.
Point-to-Point or Point-to-Multipoint Connection Model
The Dedicated Channel service is deployed on SDH infrastructure.
Customers can rent channels with speeds ranging from a minimum of 64Kb/s to unlimited speeds with standard network interfaces.
Incident reception time <0.5h, incident resolution time 2h-6h, 24/7/365 support.
With a fiber optic network covering all districts nationwide with a high redundancy structure, customers using dedicated channels domestically or internationally will be ensured the best quality and highest level of redundancy.
Deployed on a modern international telecommunications network, with the highest level of redundancy. Service availability reaches 99.99%, committing to a error rate of at least 10-4%.
Easy capacity/speed upgrades, providing various types of interfaces: FE, V.35, G.703, BNC, LC…
Highest deployment of dedicated point-to-point channels for customers.
Contact Hotline: 19009269 - +84282.234.6666 or Email: