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Vision, mission and values:
VISION: Becoming the leading business solutions company in Vietnam.
Becoming the chosen and most trusted solution company partner of businesses thanks to its ability to provide a full range of diverse and customer-centric solution products and services.
Create for employees the best working environment with many opportunities to develop capabilities, make valuable contributions and create successful careers.
Delivering attractive, long-term benefits through the implementation of a strong rapid business development strategy in parallel with the application of strict corporate governance and risk management practices according to international standards.
CORE VALUES - BUSINESS STRATEGY:  The values of Thanh Cong Solutions Trading and Service Co., Ltd. are always accompanying and sharing to solve business difficulties.
1. Customers are the focus:
“Because we are only successful when our customers are successful”
Thanh Cong Solutions always considers customers as the focus of all thoughts and actions. Thanh Cong Solutions puts the interests of the business first.
2. Innovation and creativity to stay ahead:
All employees are always ready to accept and lead change, explore and learn, are not afraid of failure, always improve and be creative in everything and create breakthroughs for the benefit of customers.
3. Collaborate effectively
“Because at Thanh Cong Solutions you cannot succeed if you work alone” We always understand and put the interests of Thanh Cong Solutions above personal interests, are ready to listen to opposing opinions, and offer support. When necessary, work together and create the highest value for Thanh Cong Solutions and for customers.
4. Excellent human resources:
"To create competitive advantages and outstanding success for yourself and your organization" With the motto "Empower and be empowered", Thanh Cong Solutions creates conditions and opportunities for employees to develop. and success. On the contrary, employees are always proactive in learning, improving their capacity and always setting high goals for themselves.
5. Commitment to action:
- Always go hand in hand between saying and doing.
- Build a professional human resources team
- Continuously expand internal and external relationships.

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